Healings With Raphael

Walking Into Petra, Jordan

Meditating on the steps of Bonampak, Mexico
I have been on my spiritual path for over 40 years. It began by having a foundation and understanding that "We are all related" and a deep appreciation of "Mother Earth" because of my direct relationship with the Blackfeet, the Ojibwe and the Lakota. As time continued, I was drawn to the Theosophical Society in Wheaton, Illinois, where I was able to study a wide variety of topics related to spiritual teachings and holistic topics.
In October of 2003 (20 years ago), I took my first energy healing class, and I immediately knew that it was what I wanted to do. I became certified in several different healing modalities including Angelic Reiki and Kahuna Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing (ARCH), and I also studied a variety of other energy healing modalities including QiGong and Jin Shin Jyutsu.
In 2004, I was introduced to the "I AM" Teachings where the focus of these teachings is the idea that God is everywhere, including within ourselves. This knowledge really took hold within me. It is like when you read something and you know that it is your truth by it resonating within you down to your core. What really got me excited was the following quote from the book "Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East" by Baird T. Spalding ...
“. . . each individual, being a concept of the Divine Mind, is held in that mind as a perfect idea. Not one of us has to conceive himself. We have been perfectly conceived and are always held in the perfect mind of God as perfect beings. By having this realization brought to our consciousness, we can contact the Divine Mind and so re-conceive what God has already conceived for us.”
This is the intention that I hold for you during my healing sessions ... seeing your higher self coming forward to step into your picture of divine, perfect health that is already within you. And with the assistance from God, the Archangels and the Ascended Masters, anything is possible during a healing session.
As a way of paying things forward, approximately every 30 - 60 days, I offer a free long distance healing session for those that want to participate from the comfort of their home. I usually have anywhere from 300 - 500 people participating from all of the world during these sessions. You can read more about these session s by clicking on here.
I consider myself to be very blessed to have been able to continue my spiritual path by traveling to sacred sites around the world to tune into the different energies of each site. These sites have included The Black Hills, Bear Butte, Mt. Shasta, Tulum, Delphi ... as well as numerous journeys to Palenque, Tikal, Copan, Machu Picchu, Avebury, Stonehenge, Callanish, Isle of Iona, the Egyptian Pyramids, Petra and Sedona. After having lived in Sedona for 18 years, I moved back to my childhood stomping grounds in 2022, where I now reside in the western suburbs of Chicago with my partner, Tara.

Meditating in Machu Picchu, Peru

In Philae Temple, Egypt