Healings With Raphael
1 + 1 = 1
We Are All Related

By Raphael - HealingsWithRaphael.com
Posted 10-10-2022
Today I AM reminded of the Lakota word "Mitakuye Oyasin" which means "All my relations" or "We are all related."
In the Maya language, there is the also saying "In Lak'ech Ala K'in" which means "I am you, and you are me."
It is my opinion that both of these sayings are a simplified version of a much deeper meaning that our ancestors were aware of.
In a rather well-known book, it states God/Creator/Source "... created the world and everything that fills it - even you and me, completely. There is nothing that we own apart from him."
So, if God is in "you and me, completely", then we are obviously a part of God. And if God is in every person and thing on this planet that is not man-made, then we all have the same connection … We are all related.
Some people may say that this is one degree of separation. But even that is not true. There is no separation. There is no gap of empty space where God does not exist. God is everywhere. Even the scientific community acknowledge that everything is made up of energy, and we are all made up of that same energy.
We all are made up of energy. The source from which we came is God/Creator/Spirit. If all of us were to be birthed back into the oneness of God, sort of like a reverse birthing process going back to Source … not only do we all come from that same Source, we are that Source (not "were" that Source, but "are" that Source). If we all came from this same Source, from God, and we all have this Source energy inside us, how can we be separated? It is an illusion. We are all related. We Are All One.
So if you and your neighbor have God in you, and you both are a part of God, and God is in everything, we are not separated. We Are All One. And in this case, 1 + 1 (we) = 1 (are all one).
Thank you God / Creator and all my relations for this reminder.
With much Love to all of you, my brothers and sisters.
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