Healings With Raphael
Love and Claiming Your Divine Birthright
By Raphael - HealingsWithRaphael.com
Posted 2-14-2024
The following contains a quote (about Love and claiming your divine birthright) that inspired a free, group healing session, which occurred on Tuesday, February 13th, 2024. The comments below are from some of those participating in the healing sessions on this day. Should have participated in these two healing sessions, feel free to comment as well. Thank you! ...
With the coming of Valentine’s Day, I sat down to meditate and receive some inspiration about how Love that can be incorporated into my next group healing session (On February 13th - more about this below). Drawing a blank after 20 minutes, I got up, paced around anxiously, and decided to make a cup of tea (Warm tea on a winter’s day always provides a nice bit of comfort. Perhaps it's just the Englishman in me.)
Right after relaxing with my tea, I picked up a book, and my inspiration was given …
The following words are not for me to be "preachy", but rather that they will offer you some peace and comfort as well as some inspiration.
What is the greatest attribute of God? “Love … The Tree of Life is located in the midst of the paradise of God, the very depth of our own soul, and the rich, abundant fruit that grows and ripens to the fullest perfection, the most perfect and life-giving, is Love. Love has been defined by those who perceive its true character as the greatest thing in the world. I might add that it is the greatest healing force in the world. Love never fails to meet every demand of the human heart. The Divine Principle of Love may be used to eliminate every sorrow, every infirmity, every harsh condition, and every lack that harasses humanity. With the right understanding and use of the subtle and illimitable influence of love, the world may be healed of its wounds and the sweet mantle of its heavenly compassion may cover all inharmony, all ignorance, and all mistakes of mankind.”
“With wings outstretched, Love searches out the arid spots of the human heart, the waste places of life, and with seeming magic touch redeems humanity and transforms the world. Love is God, eternal, limitless, changeless, going beyond all vision into infinitude. The end we can only envision. Love fulfills the law of its own, consummates its perfect work, and reveals the Christ within the soul of man. Love is ever seeking an inlet whereby it may flow forth into the soul of man and pour itself out as all good to him.”
“Love is the perfect fruit of the Spirit; it goes forth, binding up the wounds of humanity, drawing nations into closer harmony, and bringing peace and prosperity to the world.”
Like myself at the time, some of you may be asking, and how do we manifest this Love into our life, especially with what we all are seeing occurring in the world today. I read on and received my answer …
“Does life press heavily upon you? Do you need courage and strength to meet the problems that confront you? Are you sick or afraid? If so, lift your heart and pray to Him(/Her) who leads the way. The imperishable love of God enfolds you. You need not fear. … Approach this throne of grace boldly, not as you have thought of beseeching and groveling attitude, but with the prayer of understanding faith, knowing that the help you stand in need of is already yours. Never doubt. Do more – ask. Claim your birthright as the child of the living God, as Jesus did.” ~ From the Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East - Volume 1.
The words above that made the difference to me are the ones that I underlined. Know it in your body, mind and spirit that this is the way that mankind was meant to live ... from the abundance of God and not from the limitation of man's mind.
My next free healing will be for all of us to do just that … to claim and receive this all encompassing, gift of unconditional love from God to help clear, cleanse, heal, harmonize, balance, nourish and strengthen our bodies, minds and spirits on the cusp of Valentine’s Day ...
(The comments below are from some of those participating in the healing sessions on this day. Should have participated in these two healing sessions, feel free to comment as well. Thank you!)
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