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Receiving and Gifting Love
During the Upcoming Holy-Days …

Snowing Hearts SS.jpg

By Raphael -
Posted 12-11-2023


The following is an article I wrote about receiving and gifting love during the holiday season, and the corresponding healing session, which occurred on Monday, December 18th, 2023, was, for those participating, to receive an energetic download of "Love" energy from God, the Ascended Masters and the Archangels. The comments below are from some of those participating in the healing sessions on this day.   Should have participated in these two healing sessions, feel free to comment as well.  Thank you!


Receiving and Gifting Love During the Upcoming Holy-Days …

This time of year can be a bit stressful for many people (e.g. juggling schedules, navigating shopping lines, etc…), and it is easy to forget what these days are really all about.  With the holidays almost upon us, the thought of Christmas popped into my mind the other day … specifically the actual word “Christmas”.  


In the Christian faith, the English word of Christmas is associated with the birth of Jesus/Jeshua, and is a shortened version of “Christ’s Mass”.  However, this year I am putting a different spin on the word “Christmas” for all religions and spiritual beliefs to utilize.  Whether you are of Christian faith or not, almost all religions acknowledge Jesus/Jeshua as an enlightened person (a prophet, a Bodhisattva, an Avatar, etc…) who taught many things including Christ Consciousness and especially love. 


“Christ”, the first syllable of the word “Christmas”, I am associating with the concept of “Christ Consciousness”.   For those of you a bit foggy on the idea of Christ Consciousness, it is about living a life free of ego and united with the consciousness of the Divine Father or God … which includes loving your fellow man, woman and child and treating others equally with respect as you would want to be treated yourself.  Whether you use the word “God”, “Great Spirit”, “Creator” or any other word, in my mind that being is associated with the idea of unconditional love.  For the sake of this writing, I will simplify it to just “Love”. 


The second syllable of Christmas or “mas”, was originally meant to mean “Mass”.  However, this year I am using a different meaning for the second syllable … I choose “mas” as in the Spanish word meaning “more”. 


So, from a very simplistic point of view, Christmas to me means having more love … unconditional love … not judgmental or conditional love but just more pure love.  So I might suggest that every time you hear the word “Christmas” during this Holy season, regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, that you call into your life more love, to receive and to also gift to others.   I like the visualization of seeing rose pink hearts snowing down all over me and those around me.


Archangel Chamuel is the archangel connected to pure love and associated with the color rose pink.  Feel free to call on Archangel Chamuel to aid you in receiving, giving/gifting and being more love during your day. 


My Next Free Healing …

My next free healing will be all about the Archangels, the Ascended Masters and God sending you so much divine love to last you this entire holiday season and beyond (as well as to provide you with any type of healing in your life that you may request).


(The comments below are from some of those participating in the healing sessions on this day.   Should have participated in these two healing sessions, feel free to comment as well.  Thank you!)


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Comments (2)

Jan 17, 2024

Raphael´s healing session was long distance for me. We haven´t either meet via zoom nor telephone.

He just gave his coordinates and went in...: sit back, and relax. :).

I´ve started feeling right away some subtle yet clear energies around my field, and then I remembered to sent out my intentions (just in case..)

I´m thankful and totally graceful for receiving his gift.

He´s a channel, so there´s no need for promotion, I believe. I could sense his intention for the alignment to the highest possible outcome to come through, and that´s just miraculous by itself.

Would love to have more sessions with him.

With love and grace,



Jan 15, 2024

I usually don't experience anything (usual for me) but the December, 2023, one I did have a feeling of deep, quiet energy. :)


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